Poetrility(Because nothing rhymes with "poetry")

Poetic Elements

Simile - Literary device consisting of an unusual comparison of two seemingly very different things using the words "like", "as", etc.

Metaphor - Literary device consisting of an unusual comparison of two seemingly very different things that does not use "like", "as," etc.

Symbolism - Literary device in which an object, idea, or other thing has one or more deeper meanings in addition to its literal interpretation.

Personification - The depiction of human traits in non-human or abstract (i.e. beliefs, ideas, concepts) things

Hyperbole - A literary device in which an author uses exaggeration in order to relate to the reader and make the narrator seem more human.

Allusion - A subtle reference to a text, person, event, quote, etc.

Alliteration - The repetition of a consonant sound at the beginning of two or more words more or less in succession (i. e. FRank's new FRee FRench FRies are FRozen).

Imagery - The description of sensory stimuli that helps the reader to imagine experiencing what the author wants them to.

Visual Imagery - Imagery that describes sights, visual images.

Auditory Imagery - Imagery that describes sounds, pitches, tones, etc.

Kinesthetic Imagery - Imagery that describes motion.

Tactile Imagery - Imagery that describes touch: textures, consistencies, etc.

Organic Imagery - Imagery that describes internal feelings or sensations; emotions, hunger, fatigue,      

Gustatory Imagery - Imagery that describes tastes.

Feminine Rhyme - Rhyme in which the last two syllables of each word rhyme (i. e. burning and churning).

Masculine Rhyme - Rhyme in which the last syllable of each word rhymes (i. e. burn and churn).

End Rhyme - Rhyme that happens at the ends of two or more lines
(i. e. Campfires stink because you can get bURNED,
and the firewood must constantly be tURNED).

Internal Rhyme - Rhyme that happens in the middle of a line
(I thINK they stINK 'cause they are hot,
But getting bURNED, as I lEARNED, is not).